Wards 1 & 2 Prevention Center

Who We Are

Welcome to your neighborhood prevention center! We are Ward 1 and 2’s resource for building a drug-free community for children, youth and families.

The DC Prevention Centers (DCPC) engage, support and connect DC communities to promote healthy, drug-free youth. The DCPC for Wards 1 and 2 is an extension of the DC Department of Behavioral Health’s (DBH) Substance Use Disorders Division.

We’re dedicated to helping you find the resources you need to keep your community drug-free. How? Through our three core functions: community education, community leadership, and community changes. We provide workshops, trainings and educational resources, which are available to youth, parents and caregivers, and other community stakeholders.

Visit our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter page to see what events we’ll be a part of next!

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1419 Columbia Road NW, Washington, DC, 20009
Wards 1 & 2 Prevention Center

Address: 1419 Columbia Road NW, Washington, DC, 20009
Phone Number: (202) 319-1238
Email: preventioncenter@layc-dc.org
Primary Contacts:  Cory Myrtil (She, Her, Ella)Program Coordinatorcory@layc-dc.org
Nola Rich (She, Her, Ella), Program Coordinator, nola.rich@layc-dc.org

Schedule an appointment with us here
Hours: 10:00 AM-6:00 PM

How We Support


DCPC coordinates and hosts the DC Youth Prevention Leadership Corps (YPLC). YPLC is a youth led and adult supported program that equips youth in Wards 1 and 2 with the skills they need to positively impact their communities to be drug-free and healthy. In addition, the DCPC hosts workshops, game days and other activities to help youth in the community learn more about drug prevention. Follow our Twitter feed and like our Facebook page to see what we’re up to!


Parents & Caregivers

DCPC hosts forums called “Community Conversations” that are open to parents and caregivers. Community Conversations are themed discussions focused on topics like underage drinking, gateway drugs and priority risk and protective factors.

For parents and caregivers, we know it can be a challenge to talk about drugs and addiction with the young people in your life. Our goal is to provide you with the tools you need to have these important conversations in your homes or in your communities.

The Community

DCPC supports and coordinates the Community Prevention Network (CPN), a group of community organizations and leaders that lead the prevention effort in their neighborhoods. As a member of the CPN, your organization can take advantage of DCPC-led trainings, which cover prevention/intervention skills, substance abuse trends and methods for increasing the community’s knowledge surrounding substance abuse. Technical assistance and educational materials are also available upon request.

The DCPC forums or “Community Conversations” are also open to the wider prevention community. Many of the forums showcase evidence-based prevention strategies from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). We work closely with our CPNs and engaged community members to help them implement these strategies within their communities.

Interested in your organization joining the CPN? Email our director, Avery Gollinge, at avery@layc-dc.org.


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