Young woman holding a handful of pills.

Prescription Pills & Opioids

According to a DC Youth Prevention Survey, when DC youth were asked if their parents would disapprove of them using prescription drugs for non-medical use 20.7% of youth surveyed said “no.”

For parents and caregivers, it’s more important than ever to have an open conversation with young people about the risks associated with prescription pills and opioids.

The Washington, DC Department of Behavioral Health’s “More Harmful Than You Think” campaign educates young people about the dangers of prescription pill and opioid misuse. Our goal is also to give parents and caregivers the resources they need to prevent misuse by talking to young people early about prescription pills.

In 2016, there were

11.8 million opioid misusers

aged 12 or older in the United States.

Among people aged 12 or older, 3.3 million were current misusers of prescription pain relievers, which represents

1.2 percent of the population aged 12 or older.