There's A Reason to keep your child or teen out of the mix with alcohol.

There's A Reason

“There’s A Reason” is a campaign targeting parents and caregivers to help address the underage drinking problem in DC. Through this campaign, parents and caregivers are given an abundance of resources to use when approaching their child about underage drinking.

Alcohol not only increases your child’s risk for developing cancer and many deadly diseases, but it can also lead to adult alcoholism. Since a young person’s brain and body are still developing, drinking alcohol can cause learning problems that can lead to poor grades. Youth who drink alcohol are also more likely to use drugs.

Conveniently located in each ward, DC Prevention Centers provide services that support youth in staying alcohol and drug free. For a list of prevention centers, visit the Local Resources section.

If you’re a parent, read more here.

If you’re a young person, read more here.

This campaign is part of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Underage Drinking Prevention national media campaign, “Talk. They Hear You.